Article 65

“A First-Class Change-of-Command Parade at Fort Ikapa”

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On Saturday, 10 November 2012, Colonel Bernie Ashlin formally handed over command of Fort Ikapa Military Base to Lieutenant Colonel Stephan Pierce. The change of command parade took place in perfect Cape Town summer weather, with the heat shimmering off the parade ground  outside the Base Headquarters, and a very light breeze fluttering through the South African flags that lined the approach road.

Fort iKapa is the first fully functional SA Army Reserve Force Base in the SANDF, and the first such base that is managed and operated by Reserves, supported by a very small Regular contingent. It provides training and log facilities for up to 300 troops at a time. It also houses a Distance Learning Centre for the SA Army Infantry Formation, which was completed in December 2007, and the first system indoor shooting range.

Published in the Reserve Force Volunteer of  Summer 2013.